--from the Foreword by Ron Soukup"
The message of this book is that building stored procedures in Transact-SQL is very much like building programs in any other language. It requires the same type of skill, planning, attention to detail, and overall grasp of technology that successful development in other languages requires. To master Transact-SQL, one must first master the fundamental concepts of software development, then build on this foundation by embracing and studying Transact-SQL as a programming language in its own right. This book teaches you how to do that and more.
More than just a catalog of coding tricks and syntax subtleties, "The Guru's Guide to SQL Server(TM) Stored Procedures, XML, and HTML" explores the philosophy of Transact-SQL programming. It teaches readers how to apply this philosophy in order to develop their own coding techniques and discover their own solutions to real-world programming problems. A follow-up to the widely acclaimed "The Guru's Guide to Transact-SQL," this book teaches that stored procedure development does not occur in a vacuum--it involves a wide variety of skills, subjects, and technologies--and helps the reader become a better software engineer, not just a stored procedure expert.
Blending theoretical detail with practical application, this comprehensive reference begins with a foundational overview of SQL Server(TM) stored procedure programming. From there, the focus moves on to best practices and design considerations before progressing to advanced topics and a general philosophy of softwarecraftsmanship. In all, this book provides the most complete coverage of SQL Server stored procedure programming available in one source.
Topics such as user-defined functions, views, triggers, extended procedures, error handling, OLE Automation, database design, and XML are covered in detail. The book spotlights undocumented language features and brings the first application of design patterns to the SQL language. The preview of .NET and a groundbreaking approach to adding arrays to Transact-SQL make for the most thorough and engaging read published to date on SQL Server programming.
The accompanying CD-ROM contains the book's source code. More than 700 SQL scripts, programming utilities, and extended procedures provide a veritable treasure trove of high-quality example code.
Theoretically sound, yet immensely practical, "The Guru's Guide to SQL Server(TM) Stored Procedures, XML, and HTML" provides developers with the tools they need to become expert stored procedure programmers and better software engineers.