The Irresistible Community: An Invitation to Life Together
by Bill Donahue 2020-04-20 13:05:13
We all want a place where our stories matter, our voices are heard, our uniqueness is celebrated, our failures are embraced, and our hopes are unleashed. That kind of deep, life-changing community was modeled perfectly by Jesus and the ragged bunch o... Read more
We all want a place where our stories matter, our voices are heard, our uniqueness is celebrated, our failures are embraced, and our hopes are unleashed. That kind of deep, life-changing community was modeled perfectly by Jesus and the ragged bunch of disciples with whom he chose to spend his time. But how can we create it in our lives? Using the relationship of Jesus to his disciples in the upper room, Bill Donahue presents a simple but compelling approach to community life that was modeled by Jesus and offered to us all today. Using a table, a towel, and the truth, Jesus created an "irresistible community" where everyone finds a place to belong, live fully in the truth, and serve others with joy. Foreword by Dr. Henry Cloud. Less
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • Baker Books
  • August 4, 2015
  • 9780801017094
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