The Land Beyond the Blow: After the method of Swift, who followed Lucian, and was himself followed by Voltaire and many others Ambrose Bierce Author
by Ambrose Bierce
2021-04-03 00:18:13
The Land Beyond the Blow: After the method of Swift, who followed Lucian, and was himself followed by Voltaire and many others Ambrose Bierce Author
by Ambrose Bierce
2021-04-03 00:18:13
The Land Beyond the Blow is a collection of terse short stories and personal reminiscences by the great satirist, Ambrose Bierce. Contents: Thither Sons of the Fair Star An Interview with Gnarmag-Zote The Tamtonians Marooned on Ug The Dog in Ganegwag...
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The Land Beyond the Blow is a collection of terse short stories and personal reminiscences by the great satirist, Ambrose Bierce. Contents: Thither Sons of the Fair Star An Interview with Gnarmag-Zote The Tamtonians Marooned on Ug The Dog in Ganegwag A Conflagration in Ghargaroo An Execution in Batrugia The Jumjum of Gokeetle-Guk The Kingdom of Tortirra Hither Ambrose Bierce (1842-1913) wrote the short story An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge and compiled a satirical lexicon The Devil's Dictionary. His vehemence as a critic, his motto Nothing matters, and the sardonic view of human nature that informed his work, all earned him the nickname Bitter Bierce. Despite his reputation as a searing critic, Bierce was known to encourage younger writers, including poet George Sterling and fiction writer W. C. Morrow. Bierce employed a distinctive style of writing, especially in his stories. His style often embraces an abrupt beginning, dark imagery, vague references to time, limited descriptions, impossible events and the theme of war.