The Minor Poems. Edited By Walter W. Skeat: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Chaucer's Romaunt of the Rose: Troilus and Creseide and the Minor Poems; Volume II: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Tale Of The Man Of Lawe ; The Pardoneres Tale ; The Second Nonnes Tale ; The Chanouns Yemannes Tale: From The Canterbury Tales: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Troilus and Cressida: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Tale of Man of Lawe: The Pardoneres Tale; the Second Nonnes Tales; the Chanouns Yemannes Tale, from the Canterbury Tales: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Tale Of The Man Of Lawe: The Pardoneres Tale; The Second Nonnes Tales; The Chanouns Yemannes Tale, From The Canterbury Tales: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Tales from Chaucer: In Prose: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury tales of Chaucer, in the original, from the most authentic manuscripts; and as they are turn'd into modern language: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Lansdowne Ms Of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Issue 7...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Second Middle English Primer...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Prologue, The Knightes Tale, The Nonne Prestes Tale, From The Canterbury Tales...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Prologue And The Knightes Tales...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Story Of Chaucer's Canterbury Pilgrims: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Story Of The Canterbury Pilgrims: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Story Of Queen Anelida And The False Arcite: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
English Of The Xivth Century: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Canterbury Tales. To Which Are Added An Essay On His Language And Versification, And An Introductory Discourse, Together With Note: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Tale Of The Man Of Lawe: With Life, Grammar, Notes, And An Etymological Glossary: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Squire's Tale: Edited, With Introduction And Notes: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
A Treatise On The Astrolabe, Ed. By W.w. Skeat: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The College Chaucer. Edited By Henry Noble Maccracken; The Glossary In Collaboration With Thomas Goddard Wright: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Ellesmere Ms. Of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Prologue, the Knights Tale, the Nonne Preestes Tale, From the Canterbury Tales: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
A One-text Print Of Chaucer's Minor Poems, The Best Text Of Each Poem In The Parallel-text Ed., Ed. By F.j. Furnivall: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Prioresses Tale, Sir Thopas, The Monkes Tale, The Clerkes Tale, The Squieres Tale, From The Canterbury Tales...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Canterbury Tales: To Which Are Added An Essay On His Language And Versification, And An Introductory Discourse, Toget: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Clerk's Tale: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale. Edited With Introd. and Notes by Alfred W. Pollard: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Second Middle English Primer: Extracts From Chaucer, With Grammar and Glossary: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Ryme-Index to the Ellesmere Manuscript of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer