Authors | Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1340s – 25 October 1400) was an English poet and author. Widely seen as the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages, he is best known for The Canterbury Tales. Chaucer has been styled the "Father of English literature". He w ... Read more

Books by Geoffrey Chaucer

The Minor Poems. Edited By Walter W. Skeat: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Chaucer's Romaunt of the Rose: Troilus and Creseide and the Minor Poems; Volume II: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Tale Of The Man Of Lawe ; The Pardoneres Tale ; The Second Nonnes Tale ; The Chanouns Yemannes Tale: From The Canterbury Tales: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Troilus and Cressida: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Tale of Man of Lawe: The Pardoneres Tale; the Second Nonnes Tales; the Chanouns Yemannes Tale, from the Canterbury Tales: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Tale Of The Man Of Lawe: The Pardoneres Tale; The Second Nonnes Tales; The Chanouns Yemannes Tale, From The Canterbury Tales: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Tales from Chaucer: In Prose: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury tales of Chaucer, in the original, from the most authentic manuscripts; and as they are turn'd into modern language: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Lansdowne Ms Of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Issue 7...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Second Middle English Primer...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Prologue, The Knightes Tale, The Nonne Prestes Tale, From The Canterbury Tales...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Prologue And The Knightes Tales...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Story Of Chaucer's Canterbury Pilgrims: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Story Of The Canterbury Pilgrims: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Story Of Queen Anelida And The False Arcite: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
English Of The Xivth Century: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Canterbury Tales. To Which Are Added An Essay On His Language And Versification, And An Introductory Discourse, Together With Note: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Tale Of The Man Of Lawe: With Life, Grammar, Notes, And An Etymological Glossary: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Squire's Tale: Edited, With Introduction And Notes: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
A Treatise On The Astrolabe, Ed. By W.w. Skeat: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The College Chaucer. Edited By Henry Noble Maccracken; The Glossary In Collaboration With Thomas Goddard Wright: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Ellesmere Ms. Of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Prologue, the Knights Tale, the Nonne Preestes Tale, From the Canterbury Tales: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
A One-text Print Of Chaucer's Minor Poems, The Best Text Of Each Poem In The Parallel-text Ed., Ed. By F.j. Furnivall: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Prioresses Tale, Sir Thopas, The Monkes Tale, The Clerkes Tale, The Squieres Tale, From The Canterbury Tales...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Canterbury Tales: To Which Are Added An Essay On His Language And Versification, And An Introductory Discourse, Toget: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Clerk's Tale: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale. Edited With Introd. and Notes by Alfred W. Pollard: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Second Middle English Primer: Extracts From Chaucer, With Grammar and Glossary: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Ryme-Index to the Ellesmere Manuscript of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer