Authors | Miranda Lee
Miranda Lee
After leaving her convent school, Miranda Lee briefly studied the cello before moving to Sydney, where she embraced the emerging world of computers. Her career as a programmer ended after she married, had three daughters and bought a small acreage in ... Read more

Books by Miranda Lee

O PREÇO DE UM DESEJO: by Miranda Lee
by Miranda Lee
Venganza secreta: Pasiones secretas (1) Miranda Lee Author: by Miranda Lee
by Miranda Lee
Anhelo secreto: Pasiones secretas (2) Miranda Lee Author: by Miranda Lee
by Miranda Lee
JUST FOR A NIGHT: Harlequin comics Miranda Lee Author: by Miranda Lee
by Miranda Lee
A Date with Destiny Miranda Lee Author: by Miranda Lee
by Miranda Lee
The Billionaire's Cinderella Housekeeper: by Miranda Lee
by Miranda Lee