Authors | Tim Hillier-Graves
Tim Hillier-Graves
Tim Hillier-Graves was born in North London in 1951. From an early age he was fascinated by steam locomotives. In 1972, Tim joined the Navy Department of the MOD and saw wide service in many locations. He retired in 2011, having specialized in Human ... Read more

Books by Tim Hillier-Graves

The Modified Bulleid Pacifics: by Tim Hillier-Graves
by Tim Hillier-Graves
Southern Railway, Lord Nelson Class 4-6-0s: by Tim Hillier-Graves
by Tim Hillier-Graves
Widowmaker: by Tim Hillier-Graves
by Tim Hillier-Graves
Heaven High, Ocean Deep: by Tim Hillier-Graves
by Tim Hillier-Graves
Thompson - His Life and Locomotives: by Tim Hillier-graves
by Tim Hillier-graves