The Overstreet Guide to Collecting Comic & Animation Art
by Robert M. Overstreet
2021-01-05 15:18:12
The Overstreet Guide to Collecting Comic & Animation Art
by Robert M. Overstreet
2021-01-05 15:18:12
With record prices established on a regular basis, the market for originalcomic art has never been more compelling. And now a resurgent animation artmarket is commanding attention as well. If those areas of collecting seemdaunting, The Overstreet Gui...
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- With record prices established on a regular basis, the market for originalcomic art has never been more compelling. And now a resurgent animation artmarket is commanding attention as well. If those areas of collecting seemdaunting, The Overstreet Guide To Collecting Comic & Animation Art isa great place to start. The second book in Overstreet''s new "How To" seriesoffers the terminology you need to know along with the expertise of seasonedcollectors and dealers who will help you get to know what to look for and how tolook for it. Features a Silver Surfer #1 recreation cover by renownedpainter Joe Jusko.