The Poems of Schiller - First Period
The Poems of Schiller - First Period
By Friedrich Schiller
8 Apr, 2020
Worlds lay concealed in the hopes of his youth!—
When once he shall ripen to manhood and fame!
Fond father exult!—In the germs of his youth
What harvests are destined for manhood and fame!
Not to be was that manhood!—The death-bell is kne
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Worlds lay concealed in the hopes of his youth!—
When once he shall ripen to manhood and fame!
Fond father exult!—In the germs of his youth
What harvests are destined for manhood and fame!
Not to be was that manhood!—The death-bell is knelling,
The hinge of the death-vault creaks harsh on the ears—
How dismal, O Death, is the place of thy dwelling!
Not to be was that manhood!—Flow on, bitter tears!
Go, beloved, thy path to the sun,
Rise, world upon world, with the perfect to rest;
Go—quaff the delight which thy spirit has won,
And escape from our grief in the Halls of the Blest. Less