The Poems of Schiller - Second Period
The Poems of Schiller - Second Period
By Friedrich Schiller
8 Apr, 2020
This collection of poems by Friedrich Schiller belongs to the second period of his works (1785 - 1789) and contains the widely known "Hymn to Joy," also known as "Ode to Joy," which became the basis for the fourth movement of Beethoven's Ninth Sympho
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This collection of poems by Friedrich Schiller belongs to the second period of his works (1785 - 1789) and contains the widely known "Hymn to Joy," also known as "Ode to Joy," which became the basis for the fourth movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. It was a phase of Schiller's intense occupation with history and drama. But even though Schiller wrote only few poems during this time, particularly the above mentioned "Hymn to Joy" and the poem "Resignation," which features the religious contention between a deceased soul and eternity, these poems do give a fascinating insight into the genius of this giant of German Literature. Less