The Poems of Schiller - Third Period
The Poems of Schiller - Third Period
By Friedrich Schiller
8 Apr, 2020
"Too late! what horror hast thou spoken!
Vain life, since it cannot requite him!
But death with me can yet unite him;
No boast the tyrant's scorn shall make—
How friend to friend can faith forsake.
But from the double death shall kno
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"Too late! what horror hast thou spoken!
Vain life, since it cannot requite him!
But death with me can yet unite him;
No boast the tyrant's scorn shall make—
How friend to friend can faith forsake.
But from the double death shall know,
That truth and love yet live below!"
The sun sinks down—the gate's in view,
The cross looms dismal on the ground—
The eager crowd gape murmuring round.
His friend is bound the cross unto. . . .
Crowd—guards—all bursts he breathless through:
"Me! Doomsman, me!" he shouts, "alone!
His life is rescued—lo, mine own!" Less