Authors | John Hartley
John Hartley
ohn Hartley is Professor of Cultural Science and Director of the Centre for Culture and Technology at Curtin University, Perth, Australia. His books include Creative Industries (2005), Television Truths (2008), Story Circle (2009), and Digital Future ... Read more

Books by John Hartley

Cultural Science: A Natural History of Stories, Demes, Knowledge and Innovation: by John Hartley
by John Hartley
The Indigenous Public Sphere: The Reporting and Reception of Indigenous Issues in the Australian Media, 1994-1997: by John Hartley
by John Hartley
Leviticus, Volume 4: by John Hartley
by John Hartley
Uses of Television: by John Hartley
by John Hartley
Yorksher Puddin': Dialect Stories: by John Hartley
by John Hartley
Angelus sideralis: or, an ephemeris of the celestial motions, with an almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1733. ...: by John Hartley
by John Hartley
Yorkshire Tales: Sketches Of Yorkshire Life, In Dialect: by John Hartley
by John Hartley
The Politics of Pictures: The Creation of the Public in the Age of the Popular Media: by John Hartley
by John Hartley
Collected Works of John Hartley: by John Hartley
by John Hartley