Authors | Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1340s – 25 October 1400) was an English poet and author. Widely seen as the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages, he is best known for The Canterbury Tales. Chaucer has been styled the "Father of English literature". He w ... Read more

Books by Geoffrey Chaucer

More Odd Texts of Chaucer's Minor Poems: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Palamon and Arcite; or, the Knight's Tale: Written by Chaucer, and Modernized by Mr. Dryden. In Three Books: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Book Of The Duchess And Other Poems: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Hengwrt Ms Of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Issue 3; issue 9; issue 27: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Riches Of Chaucer, In Which His Impurities Have Been Expunged, His Spelling Modernised, And His Obsolete Terms Explained, By C: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer: A New Text with Illustrative Notes, Volume 1: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Old Wife Of Beith, By Chaucer. Much Better Reformed, Enlarged And Corrected, Than It Was Formerly In The Old Uncorrect Copy. W: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
English Of The 14th Century: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Arcite And Palamon: After Geoffrey Chaucer: By Edward Hovel Thurlow, Lord Thurlow. [modernized.]: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales Of Chaucer. To Which Are Added, An Essay Upon His Language And Versification, An Introductory Discourse, And: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Poetical Works Of Geoffrey Chaucer: To Which Are Appended Poems Attributed To Chaucer, Volume 2...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Prologue To The Canterbury Tales: With Notes, Plan Of Preparation, Examination Papers, And Glossary By J.m.d. Meiklejohn...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Poetical Works Of Geoffrey Chaucer: To Which Are Appended Poems Attributed To Chaucer, Volume 1...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Complete Works Of Geoffrey Chaucer, Volume 5...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Clerk's Prologue And Tale: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canon's Yeoman's Prologue And Tale: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer: With Poems Formerly Printed With His Or Attributed to Him, Volume 3: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Corpus Ms (corpus Christi Col., Oxford) Of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Part 4: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Volume 3: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Minor Poems Old Geoffrey Chaucer: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Canterbury Tales; With an Essay Upon his Language and Versification, an Introductory Discourse, Note; Volume I: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales Of Geoffrey Chaucer: A New Text With Illustrative Notes, Volume 3: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer's The Prologue To The Book Of The Tales Of Canterbury: The Knight's Tale; The Nun's Priest's Tale: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Prologue: The Knight's Tale, And The Nun's Priest's Tale, From Chaucer's Canterbury Tales: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Corpus Ms (Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford) of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Volume 67: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Matrimonial scenes: consisting of the Seaman's tale, the Manciple's tale, the character of the wife of Bath, the Tale o: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales, Volume 4: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales: A New Text, Volume 1: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Poetical Works, Volume 1...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Poetical Works Of Geoffrey Chaucer: Troilus Ands Creseide (continued)the Legend Of Good Women. A Goodly Ballade Of Chaucer. Th: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer