The Principles of Breeding Livestock - With Information on Heredity, Mendel's Laws, Selection and Improvement
by Various
2021-01-05 04:27:22
The Principles of Breeding Livestock - With Information on Heredity, Mendel's Laws, Selection and Improvement
by Various
2021-01-05 04:27:22
This fascinating and useful book contains a thorough guide on the scientific aspects and principles of livestock breeding, including information on heredity, Mendel's Laws, selection and improvement, and much more. Complete with detailed illustration...
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This fascinating and useful book contains a thorough guide on the scientific aspects and principles of livestock breeding, including information on heredity, Mendel's Laws, selection and improvement, and much more. Complete with detailed illustrations and interesting information, and written in clear, concise language, this is a text that will greatly appeal to the farmer or student of agricultural breeding with a keen interest in the more scientific areas of the field. Although old, much of the information contained herein is still relevant and useful today, making this a worthy and useful addition to collections of such literature. The chapters of this book include: 'The Principles of Breeding', 'Artificial Insemination', 'The Mechanism of Heredity', 'Mendel's First Law', 'Mendel's Second Law', 'Linkage', 'Sex-Linked Inheritance', 'Pure Lines', 'Live-Stock Improvement', 'Mass and Pedigree Selection', 'Genotypic Selection', 'Fixing Type', etcetera. We are proudly republishing this antique volume now complete with a new introduction on farming.