The Scarecrow of Oz L. Frank Baum Author
by L. Frank Baum
2021-04-10 00:10:14
The Scarecrow of Oz L. Frank Baum Author
by L. Frank Baum
2021-04-10 00:10:14
Seems to me, said Cap'n Bill, as he sat beside Trot under the big acacia tree, lookingout over the blue ocean, seems to me, Trot, as how the more we know, the more we findwe don't know.I can't quite make that out, Cap'n Bill, answered the little girl...
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Seems to me, said Cap'n Bill, as he sat beside Trot under the big acacia tree, lookingout over the blue ocean, seems to me, Trot, as how the more we know, the more we findwe don't know.I can't quite make that out, Cap'n Bill, answered the little girl in a serious voice, after amoment's thought, during which her eyes followed those of the old sailor-man across theglassy surface of the sea. Seems to me that all we learn is jus' so much gained.I know; it looks that way at first sight, said the sailor, nodding his head; but those asknows the least have a habit of thinkin' they know all there is to know, while them asknows the most admits what a turr'ble big world this is. It's the knowing ones that realizeone lifetime ain't long enough to git more'n a few dips o' the oars of knowledge.Trot didn't answer. She was a very little girl, with big, solemn eyes and an earnest,simple manner. Cap'n Bill had been her faithful companion for years and had taught heralmost everything she knew.He was a wonderful man, this Cap'n Bill. Not so very old, although his hair wasgrizzled-what there was of it. Most of his head was bald as an egg and as shiny as oilcloth,and this made his big ears stick out in a funny way. His eyes had a gentle look and werepale blue in color, and his round face was rugged and bronzed. Cap'n Bill's left leg wasmissing, from the knee down, and that was why the sailor no longer sailed the seas. Thewooden leg he wore was good enough to stump around with on land, or even to take Trotout for a row or a sail on the ocean, but when it came to runnin' up aloft or performingactive duties on shipboard, the old sailor was not equal to the task. The loss of his leg hadruined his career and the old sailor found comfort in devoting himself to the education andcompanionship of the little girl.The accident to Cap'n Bill's leg bad happened at about the time Trot was born, and eversince that he had lived with Trot's mother as a star boarder, having enough money savedup to pay for his weekly keep. He loved the baby and often held her on his lap; her firstride was on Cap'n Bill's shoulders, for she had no baby-carriage; and when she began totoddle around, the child and the sailor became close comrades and enjoyed many strangeadventures together. It is said the fairies had been present at Trot's birth and had markedher forehead with their invisible mystic signs, so that she was able to see and do manywonderful things.