The Shadow Special 2014
by Phil Hester
2021-05-28 00:17:48
The weed of crime, which once grew madly in the rich soil of the GreatDepression, is now withering on the streets of New York. A new factory hassprung up among the shuttered sweatshops, sweeping the city''s most notoriouscriminals and desperate lowli...
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- The weed of crime, which once grew madly in the rich soil of the GreatDepression, is now withering on the streets of New York. A new factory hassprung up among the shuttered sweatshops, sweeping the city''s most notoriouscriminals and desperate lowlifes into its employ. When The Shadow''s loyaloperative Jericho Druke infiltrates the works, he finds it run by a fascist,technocratic madman bent on fomenting the racial tensions that threaten toshatter the United States. The Shadow and his team must destroy this Factory ofDeath before its lethal product poisons a nation.