Authors | John Camden Hotten
John Camden Hotten
John Camden Hotten (12 September 1832, Clerkenwell – 14 June 1873, Hampstead) was an English bibliophile and publisher. Hotten was a compiler of an English language dictionary of slang, first published in 1859 under the title A dictionary of mod ... Read more

Books by John Camden Hotten

The Slang Dictionary: Etymological, Historical and Andecdotal: By John Camden Hotten
By John Camden Hotten
A Dictionary of the First, or Oldest Words in the English Language : Large Print Edition: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, Emigrants, Religious Exiles, Political Rebels, Serving men Sold for a Term of Years, App: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
Thackeray The Humourist And The Man Of Letters. The Story Of His Life And Literary Labours, Including A Selection From His Charact: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
Sarcastic Notices Of The Long Parliament: A List Of The Members That Held Places, Both Civil And Military, Contrary To The Self-de: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
The Slang Dictionary; Etymological, Historical And Anecdotal: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
An Early News-Sheet: The Russian Invasion of Poland in 1563: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
The Slang Dictionary: Or, the Vulgar Words, Street Phrases, and Fast Expressions of High and Low Society : Many With Thei: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
The History of Signboards, From the Earliest Times to the Present day;: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
The Complete Works of Charles F. Browne, Better Known as "Artemus Ward.": by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
Bibliographical Account Of Nearly Fifteen Hundred Curious And Rare Books ... Relating To The History And Topography Of Yorkshire: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
Aphrodisiacs and Anti-Aphrodisiacs: Three Essays On the Powers of Reproduction; With Some Account of the Judicial Congress As Prac: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
Thackeray The Humourist And The Man Of Letters. The Story Of His Life, Including A Selection From His Characteristic Speeches, Now: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
Literary Copyright: Seven Letters Addressed by Permission to the Right Hon. the Earl Stanhope: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
The Russian Invasion Of Poland In 1563: An Exact Facsimile Of A Contemporary Account In Latin, Published At Douay. Together With A: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
Charles Dickens: The Story Of His Life: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
The History of Signboards From the Earliest Time to the Present Day: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
The Book of Vagabonds and Beggars: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
The Slang Dictionary - Scholar's Choice Edition: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
Doctor Syntax's Three Tours: In Search of the Picturesque, Consolation, and a Wife: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
Abyssinia And Its People, Or, Life In The Land Of Prester John: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
Lothaw; or The Adventures of a Young Gentleman in Search of a Religion: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten
A Dictionary of Modern Slang, Cant, and Vulgar Words: Used at the Present Day in the Streets of London, the Universities of Oxford: by John Camden 1832-1873 Hotten
by John Camden 1832-1873 Hotten
The History of Signboards From Earliest Times to the Present Day: by John Camden Hotten
by John Camden Hotten