Authors | Charles Alexander Eastman
Charles Alexander Eastman
Charles Alexander Eastman is unique among Indian writers, whether storytellers or oral historians. He was raised traditionally, as a Woodland Sioux, by his grandmother, from 1858 - 1874, until he was 15. He thus gained a thorough first-hand knowledge ... Read more

Books by Charles Alexander Eastman

Indian Boyhood by Ohiyesa: By Charles Alexander Eastman
By Charles Alexander Eastman
Indian Child Life (Classic Reprint): by Charles Alexander Eastman
by Charles Alexander Eastman
Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains: By Charles Alexander Eastman
By Charles Alexander Eastman
Old Indian Days: by Charles Alexander Eastman
by Charles Alexander Eastman
The Soul of the Indian: An Interpretation: by Charles Alexander Eastman
by Charles Alexander Eastman
Indian Scout Talks: A Guide for Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls: By Charles Alexander Eastman
By Charles Alexander Eastman
From the Deep Woods to Civilization; Chapters in the Autobiography of an Indian: by Charles Alexander Eastman
by Charles Alexander Eastman
Indian Scout Talks: A Guide For Boy Scouts And Campfire Girls: by Charles Alexander Eastman
by Charles Alexander Eastman
Memoirs of Louis XIV and the Regency Part Two: by Charles Alexander Eastman
by Charles Alexander Eastman
Red Hunters and the Animal People: by Charles Alexander Eastman
by Charles Alexander Eastman
The Indian To-day; the Past and Future of the First American: by Charles Alexander Eastman
by Charles Alexander Eastman
The Soul of the Indian: an Interpretation - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Charles Alexander Eastman
by Charles Alexander Eastman
Wigwam Evenings Charles Alexander Eastman Author: by Charles Alexander Eastman
by Charles Alexander Eastman
Old Indian Days Charles Alexander Eastman Author: by Charles Alexander Eastman
by Charles Alexander Eastman
From The Deep Woods To Civilization - Chapters In The Autobiography Of On Indian: by Charles Alexander Eastman
by Charles Alexander Eastman
Indian Boyhood: by Charles Alexander Eastman
by Charles Alexander Eastman
Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains: by Charles Alexander Eastman
by Charles Alexander Eastman
Indian Child Life: by Charles Alexander Eastman
by Charles Alexander Eastman
The Soul Of The Indian And Seven Native American Tales: by Charles Alexander Eastman
by Charles Alexander Eastman