Authors | William Edward Duellman
William Edward Duellman
William Edward Duellman (born September 6, 1930 ) is a zoologist , specialist in amphibians . A graduate of the University of Michigan in 1956 , he is Curator Emeritus of the Division of Herpetology at the University of Kansas . He notably describe ... Read more

Books by William Edward Duellman

A Distributional Study of the Amphibians of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico: by William Edward Duellman
by William Edward Duellman
The systematic status of the populations of lizards assignable to Cnemidophorus sacki in western México (Sonora southward to Jalisco) has been reviewed in detail by Zweifel (1959, Bull. Amer.: by William Edward Duellman
by William Edward Duellman
A Review of the Frogs of the Hyla Bistincta Group: By William Edward Duellman
By William Edward Duellman
A Taxonomic Study of the Middle American Snake, Pituophis Deppei: by William Edward Duellman
by William Edward Duellman
Descriptions of New Hylid Frogs From Mexico and Central America: By William Edward Duellman
By William Edward Duellman
Middle American Frogs of the Hyla Microcephala Group: by William Edward Duellman
by William Edward Duellman
Neotropical Hylid Frogs, Genus Smilisca: by William Edward Duellman
by William Edward Duellman
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Michoacán, México: By William Edward Duellman
By William Edward Duellman
The Hylid Frogs of Middle America; Volume 1: by William Edward Duellman
by William Edward Duellman
The South American Herpetofauna: Its Origin, Evolution, and Dispersal: by William Edward Duellman
by William Edward Duellman