This work provides the first translation into English of the Targum of Psalms, together with an introduction, a critical apparatus listing variants from several manuscripts and their printed editions, and annotations.
David M. Stec, PhD, is a lecturer in full-time research for the Dictionary of Classical Hebrew, a project of the University of Sheffield. He has also published a critical edition of the Aramaic text of the Targum of Job.
Martin McNamara, MSC, PhD, is Professor of Scripture at the Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy, Dublin. His other publications on the Targums and Judaism include Targum and Testament, Palestinian Judaism and the New Testament, and Intertestamental Literature. He is also project director of The Aramaic Bible: The Targums series, published by Liturgical Press. He has a licentiate in Theology from the Gregorian University, Rome, and a licentiate and doctorate in Scripture from the Biblical Institute, Rome. He has a PhD in early Irish biblical exegesis and has also written on Hiberno-Latin biblical literature and on biblical apocrypha in the Irish Church.