The Tortoise and the Hairpiece: A kids book about how to make a friend and build self esteem and confidence
by Don M. Winn
2021-01-01 12:04:56
The Tortoise and the Hairpiece: A kids book about how to make a friend and build self esteem and confidence
by Don M. Winn
2021-01-01 12:04:56
The Tortoise and the Hairpiece is the story of a lonely young tortoise named Jake who is embarrassed by his bald head. Even though other animals invite him to play, he keeps to himself, positive that nobody will really want to be his friend because h...
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The Tortoise and the Hairpiece is the story of a lonely young tortoise named Jake who is embarrassed by his bald head. Even though other animals invite him to play, he keeps to himself, positive that nobody will really want to be his friend because he looks different. When he tries to look like everyone else, it doesn't quite work the way he planned. After getting some help from a local misguided buzzard and a wise owl, he learns that everyone is best at being themselves and that he doesn't need to try to be someone else or look like someone else just to make friends. True friends care about Jake for who he is inside and that's what makes him special.