Authors | Peter Waller
Peter Waller
Brought up in Bradford, Peter grew up as the city's trolleybus network gradually declined. In 1986, Peter commenced in a career in publishing, working for a number of years as Ian Allan Ltds Publisher (Books), where he oversaw the commissioning and p ... Read more

Books by Peter Waller

Works Trams of the British Isles: by Peter Waller
by Peter Waller
London Transport: by Peter Waller
by Peter Waller
Lost Hong Kong: A History In Pictures: by Peter Waller
by Peter Waller
The Blackpool Streamlined Trams: by Peter Waller
by Peter Waller
England's Railway Heritage From The Air: by Peter Waller
by Peter Waller
The Tramways Of Hong Kong: A History In Pictures: by Peter Waller
by Peter Waller
Lost Tramways Of England: Bristol: by Peter Waller
by Peter Waller