Authors | Jennifer Mathieu
Jennifer Mathieu
Jennifer Mathieu started writing stories when she was in kindergarten and now teaches English to middle and high schoolers. She lives in Texas with her husband, her son, her dog, and two cats. Nothing bad has ever been written on the bathroom stall a ... Read more

Books by Jennifer Mathieu

The Truth about Alice: by Jennifer Mathieu
by Jennifer Mathieu
¿Te conté lo de Alice?: by Jennifer Mathieu
by Jennifer Mathieu
Moxie: by Jennifer Mathieu
by Jennifer Mathieu
Devoted: A Novel: by Jennifer Mathieu
by Jennifer Mathieu
Menteurs de mariposa -les: by Jennifer Mathieu
by Jennifer Mathieu
The Liars of Mariposa Island: by Jennifer Mathieu
by Jennifer Mathieu
La vérité sur Alice: by Jennifer Mathieu
by Jennifer Mathieu