The common household bed bug can be seen by the naked eye. They have a brown or reddish-brown color and a longish flat shape that makes it possible for them to easily hide in holes and cracks. They hide from view during the day in places that are dark, confined and difficult to get to. They hide inside the gaps and sunken areas of mattresses, spring coils, bed rails, headboards, cabinets, drawers, baseboards, door and window casings, in loose wallpaper and in the stuffing, cushions and fabric of chairs and sofas.
A sure sign of bed bug infestation are the brown rusty-looking spots you can see on sheets and pillowcases. These nasty spots are fecal and blood material left behind when bloated bugs are crushed. Early infestations are likely to be around beds, but in the long run the bugs spread throughout a room, filling up every hollow space or confined area. They can also breed and scatter to nearby rooms or neighboring houses.
In this book you will learn the most common advice for treatment and prevention of bed bugs in the home such as:
* Inspect the top, sides and bottom of mattress, headboards, foot boards, box springs support frames, phones, TV set, carpeting, furniture
* Spray liquid insecticides or aerosol treatments 3 times, spaced out in 10 days
* Re-treatment is critical as bed bugs come out to feed every few weeks
With this collection of tips, you can free your home from horrible bed bugs totally from top to bottom, inside and out!