The Virgin in Judgment
By Eden Phillpotts 10 Sep, 2020
Night stirred behind the eastern hills, and a desert place burnt with fading splendour in the hour before sunset. The rolling miles of Ringmoor Down lay clad at this season in a wan integument of dead grass. Colourless as water, it simulated that ele ... Read more
Night stirred behind the eastern hills, and a desert place burnt with fading splendour in the hour before sunset. The rolling miles of Ringmoor Down lay clad at this season in a wan integument of dead grass. Colourless as water, it simulated that element and reflected the tone of dawn or evening, sky or cloud; now sulked; now shone; now marked the passage of the wind with waves of light. Ringmoor extends near the west quarter of Dartmoor Forest like an ocean of alternate trough and mound, built by the breath of storms. This region, indeed, shares something with the restless resting-places of the sea; and one may figure it as finally frozen into its present austerity by action of western winds that aforetime laboured without ceasing here on the bosom of a plastic earth. Only the primary forces model with such splendid economy of design, or present achievements so unadorned, yet so complete. The marvel of Ringmoor demanded unnumbered centuries of elemental collaboration before it spread, consummate and accomplished, under men's eyes. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 390.781 KB
  • 470
  • Public Domain Book
  • English
  • 978-1446092026
Eden Phillpotts (4 November 1862 – 29 December 1960) was an English author, poet, and dramatist. He was born in Mount Abu, India, was educated in Plymouth, Devon, and worked as an insurance officer ...
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