The Welfare State, Globalization, and International Law
by Eyal Benvenisti 2021-02-01 14:44:33
Globalization imposes pressures on the traditional welfare state. This book examines these pressures, and responses to them, from the less familiar perspective of international law. The book deals with the role of the international level in securing ... Read more

Globalization imposes pressures on the traditional welfare state. This book examines these pressures, and responses to them, from the less familiar perspective of international law. The book deals with the role of the international level in securing or supplementing national welfare functions. Thus, the authors evaluate the role of international labour law, social rights as human rights, the World Trade Organisation, non-governmental organisations and international taxation law, in the effort to maintain and promote welfare rights and the welfare state. In addition, the functions of national migration law and of social security law are analysed in case studies.

  • ISBN
  • 9783540011033
Eyal Benvenisti is Whewell Professor of International Law at the University of Cambridge and the Director of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law. He is also Professor of Law at Tel Aviv Unive...
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