The Wooden Sparrow
2020-05-11 07:10:30
Eleazar ben Bethabara lives a quiet life as a merchant in ancient Carthage. Now, a young zealot has sought him out to tell his story. Eleazar isn't sure the young Christian could understand Eleazar's relationship with his childood best friend, Yeshua... Read more
Eleazar ben Bethabara lives a quiet life as a merchant in ancient Carthage. Now, a young zealot has sought him out to tell his story. Eleazar isn't sure the young Christian could understand Eleazar's relationship with his childood best friend, Yeshua, but he resolves to explain as best he can. Less
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • September 28, 2017
  • 65066231-7a98-4a7f-b064-1ed3bbbb2b76
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