Authors | Samuel Johnson
Samuel Johnson
Samuel Johnson (18 September 1709 [OS 7 September] – 13 December 1784), often referred to as Dr. Johnson, was an English writer who made lasting contributions to English literature as a poet, essayist, moralist, literary critic, biographer, editor, ... Read more

Books by Samuel Johnson

The Works of Samuel Johnson, Ll. D.: An Essay On the Life and Genius of Samuel Johnson: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
The Lives Of The Most Eminent English Poets, 1: With Critical Observations On Their Works: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
The Rambler: In Four Volumes ..., Volume 2: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
The Works Of The English Poets: Halifax, Stepney, Walsh: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
Poetical Works, Enriched With Elegant Engravings. To Which is Prefixed a Life of the Author: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
The Poetical Works of William Collins: Enriched With Elegant Engravings: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
The Works of Samuel Johnson: A Dissertation Upon the Greek Comedy, Translated From Brumoy. General Conclusion to Brumoy's Greek: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, Volume 2, part 2: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets: Cowley. Denham. Milton. Butler. Rochester. Roscommon. Otway. Waller. Pomfret. Dorset.: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
The Works of Samuel Johnson, Ll. D.: A New Ed., in Twelve Volumes, to Which Is Prefixed, an Essay On His Life and Genius, Volume 4: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
The Works of Samuel Johnson, Ll. D.: Containing Adventurer and Rasselas: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
Works, Volume 7: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
Specimens; or Leisure Hours Poetically Employed on Various Subjects; Moral, Political & Religious ..: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
The Prince of Abissinia; a Tale; Volume 1: by Samuel 1709-1784 Johnson
by Samuel 1709-1784 Johnson
London: A Poem, in Imitation of the Third Satire of Juvenal. The Second Edition: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
Lives of the English Poets-Vol I: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
Lives of the English Poets-Vol II: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
A Grammar of the English Tongue: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
The Supplicating Voice: The Spiritual Writings of Samuel Johnson: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
An account of the life of Mr Richard Savage, son of the Earl Rivers. The second edition.: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
The Laodicean age: or, an attempt to prove, that Christ's seven epistles to the seven churches in Asia, are to be unde: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
Dr. Johnson's Table-talk: Aphorisms [&c.] Selected And Arranged From Mr. Boswell's Life Of Johnson: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
The Plays Of William Shakespeare ...: With The Corrections And Illustrations Of Various Commentators, Volume 16: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
The History of Rasselas. and Elizabeth: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
The Plays of William Shakspeare, Volume 17: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
Irene. A tragedy, by Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury Lane.: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
Irene, a tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. By Samuel Johnson, LL.D. A new edition.: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
The Works Of The Poets Of Great Britain And Ireland, With Prefaces, Biographical And Critical, Volume 7: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
The British Essayists: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson
Johnson's Life Of Addison. With Introduction And Notes By F. Ryland.: by Samuel Johnson
by Samuel Johnson