Authors | Gilbert Chinard
Gilbert Chinard
Gilbert Chinard (1881-1972) was a French-born literary historian who was educated at the Universities of Poitiers and Bordeaux. Moving to New York in 1908 as a visiting instructor in French Literature, he settled into an American academic career tha ... Read more

Books by Gilbert Chinard

Thomas Jefferson the Apostle of Americanism: by Gilbert Chinard
by Gilbert Chinard
Handbook of English and French Terms for the Use of Military Aviators: by Gilbert Chinard
by Gilbert Chinard
L'exotisme Américain Dans L'oeuvre De Chateaubriand: by Gilbert Chinard
by Gilbert Chinard
L'exotisme Américain dans l'uvre de Chateaubriand: by Gilbert Chinard
by Gilbert Chinard
L'exotisme Américain Dans L'Ouvre de Chateaubriand: by Gilbert Chinard
by Gilbert Chinard
La Doctrine De L'américanisme Des Puritains Au Président Wilson: by Gilbert Chinard
by Gilbert Chinard
Pour Mieux Connaître La France: by Gilbert Chinard
by Gilbert Chinard
La Jeune Indienne: by Gilbert Chinard
by Gilbert Chinard
France for the Soldier; a few Facts for the Information of Americans: by Gilbert Chinard
by Gilbert Chinard