Authors | Louise Imogen Guiney
Louise Imogen Guiney
Louise Imogen Guiney (January 7, 1861 – November 2, 1920) was an American poet, essayist, and editor, born in Roxbury, Massachusetts. The daughter of Gen. Patrick R. Guiney, an Irish-born American Civil War officer, and lawyer, and Jeannette Mar ... Read more

Books by Louise Imogen Guiney

The Martyrs' Idyl, and Shorter Poems: By Louise Imogen Guiney
By Louise Imogen Guiney
A Roadside Harp A Book of Verses: By Louise Imogen Guiney
By Louise Imogen Guiney
Lovers' Saint Ruth's, and Three Other Tales: By Louise Imogen Guiney
By Louise Imogen Guiney
Robert Louis Stevenson: by Louise Imogen Guiney
by Louise Imogen Guiney