Authors | Wolfgang Schivelbusch
Wolfgang Schivelbusch
Wolfgang Schivelbusch, winner of the Heinrich Mann Prize, Germany's most prestigious nonfiction award, is an independent scholar who divides his time between New York and Berlin. His books include The Railway Journey, Disenchanted Night, and The Cult ... Read more

Books by Wolfgang Schivelbusch

The Railway Journey : The Industrialization of Time and Space in the Nineteenth Century: by Wolfgang Schivelbusch
by Wolfgang Schivelbusch
Three New Deals: by Wolfgang Schivelbusch
by Wolfgang Schivelbusch
The Culture of Defeat: On National Trauma, Mourning, and Recovery: by Wolfgang Schivelbusch
by Wolfgang Schivelbusch
Disenchanted Night: The Industrialization of Light in the Nineteenth Century: by Wolfgang Schivelbusch
by Wolfgang Schivelbusch
In a Cold Crater: Cultural and Intellectual Life in Berlin, 1945-1948: by Wolfgang Schivelbusch
by Wolfgang Schivelbusch