Authors | Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner
Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a German composer, conductor, theatre director and essayist, primarily known for his operas (or "music dramas", as they were later called). Unlike most other great opera composers, Wagner wrote both the scenario and librett ... Read more

Books by Richard Wagner

The Open Court: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Samtliche: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Siegfried: A Music Drama in Three Acts, Second Part of the Der Ring Des Nibelungen: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Drei Operndichtungen Nebst Einer Mittheilung an Seine Freunde Als Vorwort: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Gesammelte Schriften Und Dichtungen, Volume 7: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Der Junge Wagner: Dichtungen, Aufsatze, Entwurfe 1832-1849. Hrsg. Von Julius Kapp: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Wagner-Encyklopädie: Bd. Achilleus Bis Lykurgos: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Das Rheingold. Vorabend Zum Bühnenfestspiel Der Ring Des Nibelungen: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Bayreuther Blätter: Deutsche Zeitschrift Im Geiste Richard Wagners, Volume 24: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Die Walküre...: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Bd. Vom Jahre 1841 Bis 1853: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
The Rhine-gold: A Dramatic Poem...: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Gesammelte Schrifen Und Dichtungen Von Richard Wagner - Primary Source Edition: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Sämtliche schriften und dichtungen; Band 09-10: by Richard 1813-1883 Wagner
by Richard 1813-1883 Wagner
Parsifal, a Stage-consecrating Festival-play: by Richard 1813-1883 Wagner
by Richard 1813-1883 Wagner
Sämtliche schriften und dichtungen; v. 5: by Richard 1813-1883 Wagner
by Richard 1813-1883 Wagner
My Life (complete): by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
On Conducting (ueber Das Dirigiren): by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Correspondence Of Wagner And Liszt (vols 1 & 2): by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
My Life Vol Ii: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
My Life Vol. I: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Tristan Et Yseult. Poeme Et Musique de Richard Wagner. Version Francaise de Victor Wilder (Ed.1886): by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Gedichte: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Kichard Magner Samtliche Sdhriften und Dichtungen: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Tristan: Drame Musical En Trois Actes. Version Française D'Alfred Ernst Et De L. De Fourcaud Et Paul Bruck: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Die Meistersinger Von Nurnberg: Vocal Score: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Le vaisseau fantôme Richard Wagner Author: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Tristan and Isolda (Annotated) Richard Wagner Author: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Siegfried and The Twilight of the Gods (Illustrated and Annotated) Richard Wagner Author: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Wer als Meister ward geboren.: Briefe und Schriften. Wagner ganz privat Richard Wagner Author: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner