Authors | Arthur Cheney Train
Arthur Cheney Train
Arthur Cheney Train (September 6, 1875 – December 22, 1945), also called Arthur Chesney Train, was an American lawyer and writer of legal thrillers, particularly known for his novels of courtroom intrigue and the creation of the fictional lawyer Mr ... Read more

Books by Arthur Cheney Train

Courts and Criminals: By Arthur Cheney Train
By Arthur Cheney Train
True Stories of Crime From the District Attorney's Office: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
"C Q", or, In the Wireless House: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
The Hermit Of Turkey Hollow: The Story Of An Alibi, Being An Exploit Of Ephraim Tutt, Attorney & Counselor At Law: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
Tutt And Mr. Tutt: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
The "goldfish": Being The Confessions Of A Successful Man: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
The Confessions of Artemas Quibble: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
By Advice Of Counsel: Being Adventures Of The Celebrated Firm Of Tutt & Tutt, Attorneys & Counsellors At Law...: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
The Butler's Story: Being The Reflections, Observations And Experiences Of Mr. Peter Ridges, Of Wapping-on-valley, Devo: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
Mortmain: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
The Butler's Story; Being The Reflections, Observations And Experiences Of Mr. Peter Ridges, Of Wapping-on-velley, Devon, Sometime: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
Courts And Criminals.: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
The Butler's Story - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
Mcallister and His Double: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
Courts, Criminals, and the Camorra: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
The Man Who Rocked the Earth: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
True Stories of Crime from the District Attorney's Office - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
The Butler's Story; Being the Reflections, Observations and Experiences of Mr. Peter Ridges, of Wapping-on-Velly, Devon, Sometime: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
The World and Thomas Kelly: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
The Earthquake: by Arthur Cheney 1875-1945 Train
by Arthur Cheney 1875-1945 Train
NY True Crime: Turn of the Century Cases: Real-Life Tales from the District Attorney's Office in New York City Arthur Cheney Train Author: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
True Stories of Crime From the District Attorney's Office Arthur Cheney Train Author: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
The Prisoner at the Bar: Sidelights on the Administration of Criminal Justice: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train
As It Was In The Beginning: by Arthur Cheney Train
by Arthur Cheney Train