Twain at Sea: The Maritime Writings of Samuel Langhorne Clemens
by Mark Twain
2021-01-05 10:33:57
Twain at Sea: The Maritime Writings of Samuel Langhorne Clemens
by Mark Twain
2021-01-05 10:33:57
Samuel Clemens (1835-1910) repeatedly traversed the ocean during his globetrotting life. A keen observer, the man who recast himself as Mark Twain was fascinated by seafaring. This book compiles selections ranging from his first voyage in 1866-San Fr...
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Samuel Clemens (1835-1910) repeatedly traversed the ocean during his globetrotting life. A keen observer, the man who recast himself as Mark Twain was fascinated by seafaring. This book compiles selections ranging from his first voyage in 1866-San Francisco to Hawaii-to his circumnavigation of the world by steamship 1897. Despite his background as a "brown water" mariner, Twain was out of his element on the ocean. His writings about being at sea (as well as feeling at sea) reflect both a growing familiarity with voyaging and an enduring sense of amazement. Twain''s shipboard observations capture his interest and amusement in the "blue water" mariners he encountered, with their salty subculture and individual quirks. Twain at Sea collects the author''s essays and travelogues on the maritime world in one volume, including excerpts from Roughing It, The Innocents Abroad, A Tramp Abroad, Following the Equator, and other sources.