Two Reviews, Femspec Issue 1.2
by Liisa Hake
2020-07-19 02:55:15
Two Reviews, Femspec Issue 1.2
by Liisa Hake
2020-07-19 02:55:15
Judith Laura's novel, Goddess Spirituality for the 21st Century, and Treena Kortje's novel, Variations of Eve, are discussed. Laura is claimed to have spent a great deal of time and effort searching for original gender classifications in the bible. K...
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Judith Laura's novel, Goddess Spirituality for the 21st Century, and Treena Kortje's novel, Variations of Eve, are discussed. Laura is claimed to have spent a great deal of time and effort searching for original gender classifications in the bible. Kortje's novel describes many possible stories of Eve and the garden of Eden.