Authors | Georg Ebers
Georg Ebers
Georg Moritz Ebers, German Egyptologist and novelist, discovered the Egyptian medical papyrus, of ca 1550 BC, named for him (see Ebers papyrus) at Luxor (Thebes) in the winter of 1873–74. Ebers early conceived the idea of popularizing Egyptian l ... Read more

Books by Georg Ebers

An Egyptian Princess — Complete: By Georg Ebers
By Georg Ebers
The Bride of the Nile: By Georg Ebers
By Georg Ebers
Uarda A Romance of Ancient Egypt: By Georg Ebers
By Georg Ebers
The Sisters - Volume 1: By Georg Ebers
By Georg Ebers
The Burgomaster's Wife Volume 2: By Georg Ebers
By Georg Ebers
Serapis - Volume 02: By Georg Ebers
By Georg Ebers
Serapis - Volume 06: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Cleopatra — Volume 04: By Georg Ebers
By Georg Ebers
In the Fire of the Forge: A Romance of Old Nuremberg, Volume 2: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Tolstoy and His Message: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
�gypten und die B�cher Moses: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Zhena burgomistra: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
�gypten und die B�cher Moses: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Ägypten und die Bücher Moses: 1. Band: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Aegypten Und Die Bücher Mose's: Sachlicher Commentar Zu Den Aegyptischen Stellen in Genesis Und Exodus, ERSTER BAND: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Das Wanderbuch: Eine Dramatische Erzählung aus dem Nachlasse und Gesammelte Kleine Schriften: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
A Thorny Path (Per Aspera), Volume II: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Serapis: A Romance: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Per Aspera: Historischer Roman, Volume 2: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Durch Gosen Zum Sinai: Aus Dem Wanderbuche Und Der Bibliothek: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Ein Wort: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Eine Frage: Idyll Zu Einem Gemälde Seines Freundes Alma Tadema: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Historical Romances Of Georg Ebers, Volume 3: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Arachne. Complete: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
A Thorny Path Per Aspera . Complete: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
In The Fire Of The Forge. Complete: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
In the Desert: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Historical Romance Of Georg Ebers A Thorny Path: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Historical Romances Of Georg Ebers, Volume 9: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Historical Romances Of Georg Ebers, Volume 10: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers