Under the Maples
By John Burroughs 12 Nov, 2020
Excerpt from Under the Maples IT was while sitting in his hay-barn study in the Catskills and looking out upon the maple woods of the old home farm, and under the maples at Riv erby, that the most of these essays were written, during the last two ye ... Read more
Excerpt from Under the Maples IT was while sitting in his hay-barn study in the Catskills and looking out upon the maple woods of the old home farm, and under the maples at Riv erby, that the most of these essays were written, during the last two years of the author's life. And it was to the familiar haunts near his Hudson River home that his thoughts wistfully turned while win tering in Southern California in 1921. As he pictured in his mind the ice breaking up on the river in the crystalline March days, the return of the birds, the first hepaticas, he longed to be back among them; he was there in Spirit, gazing upon the river from the summer-house, or from the veranda of the Nest, or seated at his table in the chestnut-bark Study, or busy with his sap-gathering and sugar-making. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 291.054 KB
  • 246
  • Public Domain Book
  • English
  • 978-1148608105
John Burroughs (April 3, 1837 – March 29, 1921) was an American naturalist and nature essayist, active in the U.S. conservation movement. The first of his essay collections was Wake-Robin in 1871. ...
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