Authors | Emma Marshall
Emma Marshall
Emma Marshall, born Emma Martin in Cromer, Norfolk, in 1830, was a prolific British children's author, one who published more than two hundred novels in the course of her career. She married banker Hugh Graham Marshall in 1854, going to live with him ... Read more

Books by Emma Marshall

Stellafont Abbey, Or 'nothing New': by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Framilode Hall: Or, Before Honour Is Humility: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Joanna's Inheritance: A Story of Young Lives: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Houses On Wheels...: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
A Lily Among Thorns: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Daisy Bright: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Three Little Sisters: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Ruby And Pearl: Or, The Children At Castle Aylmer: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Laurel Crowns; Or, Griselda's Aim: A Story For Brothers And Sisters: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Rex And Regina; Or, The Song Of The River: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
The Crofton Cousins: A Tale for Children: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Roger's Apprenticeship: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Heathercliffe; or, 'It's No Concern of Mine': by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Lady Rosalind, Or, Family Feuds.: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
The Court And The Cottage: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
In Four Reigns: The Recollections of Althea Allingham, 1785-1842 (Large Print Edition): by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
A Chip Of The Old Block: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Lady Alice; Or, Two Sides Of A Picture.: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Bristol Bells. A Story Of The Eighteenth Century.: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Better Late Than Never [a Tale.]: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
The Master Of The Musicians. A Story Of Handel's Days, Etc.: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Sir Benjamin's Bounty. [a Tale.]: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Brook Silvertone, and the Lost Lilies, 2 Stories: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
The Birth Of The Century: Or, Eighty Years Ago: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Bishop's Cranworth: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Grace Buxton; Or, The Light Of Home ...: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Edward's Wife: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Bristol Diamonds Or The Hot Wells Of The Year 1773.: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
The First Light On The Eddystone. A Story, Etc.: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall
Our Own Picture Book: by Emma Marshall
by Emma Marshall