When Rain Falls
by Melissa Stewart 2021-01-05 18:03:53
First her mother, then her detective husband Frank and now her best friend Pamela Coleman: Murder keeps striking down those who Candace Johnson loves most, and now she faces a terrible crisis of faith. Enter Detective Darnell Jackson. He's determined... Read more
First her mother, then her detective husband Frank and now her best friend Pamela Coleman: Murder keeps striking down those who Candace Johnson loves most, and now she faces a terrible crisis of faith. Enter Detective Darnell Jackson. He's determined to track down Pamela's killer, but he's going to need Candace's help. In Darnell, she sees a chance for justice; in Candace, he sees a beautiful, dynamic woman who desperately needs God in her life. As Candace reluctantly opens up about some unsavory aspects of her friend's life, Darnell starts to see disturbing connections between Pamela's killing and Frank's. But the culprit is still out there, and if Candace and Darnell can't put the pieces together soon, they may be the next victims! Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781601628220
Melissa Stewart is the award-winning author of more than 150 science books for children. She holds degrees in biology and science journalism. Recent books include UNDER THE SNOW (Peachtree, 2009) and ...
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