Work Less, Make More : Stop Working So Hard and Create the Life You Really Want!
by Jennifer White 2020-06-22 10:40:53
A proven 10-step program for unlocking your potential to live andwork on your own terms. Tired of holding your breath, waiting for exactly the right momentto arrive before you can start living the life you really want?When will it be safe for you to... Read more
A proven 10-step program for unlocking your potential to live andwork on your own terms.

Tired of holding your breath, waiting for exactly the right momentto arrive before you can start living the life you really want?When will it be safe for you to stop working so hard and feelingstressed out, burnt out, and generally dissatisfied with life? Whenyou get married? Promoted? When your kids finish school? When youpay off your mortgage? When you retire?

It s time to stop waiting and start living. As renowned successcoach Jennifer White proves in this amazing book: You can have itall more time, more money, and more fun on your own terms startingtoday!

Based on White s popular courses and seminars through which she hashelped thousands of people nationwide live more fulfilling andproductive lives, Work Less, Make More(TM) is an easy-to-follow10-step program for overcoming your fears, unblocking yourpassions, channeling your energies, and managing your time moreefficiently so that you can:
* Fearlessly take more risks
* Do the kind of work that really makes you happy
* Achieve success on your own terms
* Enjoy the freedom of being your own boss
* Have more fulfilling relationships
* Put the passion back in your life and work

A complete design for living and working, Work Less, Make More isthe key that will unlock your potential for living life to itsfullest. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 9.04x6.03x0.67inches
  • 246
  • Wiley
  • October 1, 1999
  • English
  • 9780471354857
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