This book is a comprehensive compilation of over 100 natural and alternative cancer treatments. It is a result of extensive research of the methods cancer victors have used to make themselves cancer free. Read their stories which is a directory of over 3,000 people who beat their cancer using the treatments described in this book. The objectives of the book are to: Encourage you to be open-minded and seek ALL the information about your choices of treatments Be a starting point for your discussions with your doctor or with the qualified, licensed physicians who use these treatments in their practices, or your chosen natural therapist. Please do not delay in consulting a licensed physician for an opinion if you suspect you have cancer. Be a starting point for your own research so you can make the best-informed decisions about your treatment plan. The consensus of the majority of alternative cancer therapists is that, the chance of full recovery using alternative therapies is almost 100%. with a newly diagnosed condition of early cancer, before any traumatic or toxic treatments have been received. Unfortunately, by the time most patients consider alternative treatments, they have already undergone other treatments. The e-book does not advise you which treatments to choose. It simply provides you with information that you are unlikely to obtain from your doctor, or find by yourself. You can make use of the information in discussion the experts who developed these treatments, and with the qualified, licensed physicians, therapists and clinics who use them in their practices.