片段地球 - 005 - 窗簾 (Traditional Chinese Edition)
by Robert Skyler
2020-05-06 04:46:38
片段地球 - 005 - 窗簾 (Traditional Chinese Edition)
by Robert Skyler
2020-05-06 04:46:38
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義沉迷史詩般的冒險之旅,這一連串的合理,短篇小說知識的理解對從屬權重的安全性。 窗簾: 蓬勃發展的頹廢 有沒有什麼了解,在世界上揮舞區分自己與我們的暴政。我們稱他們為他們,並在這樣做,希望能效仿這種專制暴政它可能支持,而不是籠罩我們。但最喜歡的夢想是無法生存的出頭之日,讓我們不支持,抓,心甘情願地抱住他們說,就好像是說,用我們自己的聲音,通過我們自己的妄想住在第二天晚上向。。。我們可能他們再次夢想。 和, 簡單 English Edition: What small know there is in the world is force by those mark them with the rule of we. We call them they, and in do so copy this rule in hope it might help almost than over-come us. But like most dream that can-not live the light of day, go us not help, hold, will hold to that they say as though it were said, with our own talk, in us do their confuse live on to the next night... That we might dream them again. 和, English Edition: What little understanding there is in the world is wielded by those distinguishing themselves with the tyranny of we. We call them they, and in doing so emulate this tyranny in hopes it might support rather than envelop us. But like most dreams that cannot survive the light of day, leaving us unsupported, grasping, willingly clinging to that which they say as though it were spoken, with our own voice, through us do their delusions live on toward the next night... That we might dream them again. 關鍵字: 失敗的理解, 電源經紀, 利潤和絕望, 暴政仿真, 夢想共享, 創意的表達, 了解控制, 不耐煩懶, 信任是暴政, 消除同意, 陽光照射, 自然園藝, 狡猾的性質, 健康生活, 問候語侮辱, 自我迷戀, 會話控制, 主導父母, 單擊談話, 生活在暴政, 時間管理, 判斷書的封面, 性幻想, 物理特性, 諷刺的幻想, 嚴格審查, 存在主義思想, 基於內容的價值, 階級差別, 高昂的維修費用, 避免不愉快, 表面的理由, 未來的可視化, 相互依存的經濟, 處理損失, 回歸自然, 提高軍隊, 無聊分心, 認可批准, 驅趕人們離開, 命名為藝術品, 世界末日的畫, 戰略調情, 對未來的恐懼, 培育希望, 自定心, 開放的性質, 無生命的人格化, 抽象的關聯, 爭議的理由, 進化與創造, 社會誤解, 自以為是的尷尬, 動物的本性, 神聖的嘗試, 關鍵的過度反應, 藝術批評...