Yesterday's Train
by Terry Pindell 2020-05-12 21:12:32
Since 1988, Terry Pindell has been exploring North America, seeking integration of past and present, history and headlines. The result has been three highly acclaimed book spinning a beautiful web of culture, people, travel, and sociology. Now, in hi... Read more
Since 1988, Terry Pindell has been exploring North America, seeking integration of past and present, history and headlines. The result has been three highly acclaimed book spinning a beautiful web of culture, people, travel, and sociology. Now, in his fourth quest for the soul of the continent, Pindell brings us his fullest history and most expansive cultural portrait yet. Yesterday's Train starts from a twisted tree at the shore near Veracruz--where according to local legend Cortes first chained his ships in 1519--a place where the earth itself seems in protest. From there, Pindell and collaborator Lourdes Ramirez Mallis travel to the stunning extremes of Mexico's landscape while casting back through its past. From ancient Toltec myth and Aztec ritual to the recent crisis in Chiapas and the halls of Mexico City power, they explore the strange contradictions of Mexico's character. Journeying mostly by train, Pindell and Ramirez Mallis discover a country in conflict with the Western symbolism of their chosen mode of travel. That is Mexico's story today--a clash between the old Mexico and the new one its leaders and much of the rest of the world hope to create. In Yesterday's Train, Terry Pindell brings us an odyssey through the most troubled part of the continent, witnessing for a year the roots of Meixco's current civil upheaval. And as always, he accomplishes more than a journey, traveling straight to the restive heart of a land and its people. Less
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • September 23, 2014
  • eng
  • 9781466881747
Terry Pindell is the author of Making Tracks: An American Rail Odyssey; Last Train to Toronto: A Canadian Rail Odyssey; and A Good Place to Live: America's Last Migration. He now lives for part of the...
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