You Save Me
by L.N. Chandler 2021-03-06 01:29:16
When international business student Lilyana Quinn goes out on the town to celebrate her upcoming graduation, she encounters charming, sexy Jaxon Storm...the man who’s been the center of her fantasies for months. Despite her protests to the contrary... Read more

When international business student Lilyana Quinn goes out on the town to celebrate her upcoming graduation, she encounters charming, sexy Jaxon Storm...the man who’s been the center of her fantasies for months. Despite her protests to the contrary, Lily finds herself drawn to the irresistible CEO. Jaxon has wanted Lily since the moment he met her. Desperate to get her to face her feelings and give him a chance, he refuses to take no for an answer.

When they enter into a tenuous yet passionate relationship, Lily is shocked at how quickly their bond grows. As much as she wants to be with him, she can’t break free from her abusive father. Unwilling to put Jaxon at risk, she tries to push him away. When he won’t go, she must decide to leave him or allow herself to trust him with her darkest secrets.

  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • April 12, 2016
  • English
  • 0757ce6d-b03c-4031-b4d6-fea2d3bc4f92
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