'Talking Dogs'
by Terence Charles
2020-05-08 05:11:37
An explanation of why dogs do what they do! What does your dog expect from you and your family, and what should you and your family expect from your dog? The basics of dog training and caring for the dogs welfare. Dog psychology, how different is it ...
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An explanation of why dogs do what they do! What does your dog expect from you and your family, and what should you and your family expect from your dog? The basics of dog training and caring for the dogs welfare. Dog psychology, how different is it to human psychology and what does that mean to dog owners? What is the best type of equipment to use with your dog, Have you considered getting a 'Rescue Dog'? Does my dog really understand English/French/German? How about my dogs health? These questions and many more are answered in Talking Dogs'. plus a chapter just on tips and hints.