50 Fantastic Ideas for things to do with Mud and Clay
by Judit Horvath
2020-05-05 21:38:33
50 Fantastic Ideas for things to do with Mud and Clay
by Judit Horvath
2020-05-05 21:38:33
When given soil, clay or mud to play with, most children are instinctively motivated to explore and experiment. Mud, soil and clay are naturally open-ended, stimulating children to investigate possibilities, look for reasons and think of ideas. They ...
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When given soil, clay or mud to play with, most children are instinctively motivated to explore and experiment. Mud, soil and clay are naturally open-ended, stimulating children to investigate possibilities, look for reasons and think of ideas. They are cheap and easy to source or access, simple to transform to suit any age group or activity, can be mixed with other materials, given a rich sensory experience via visual texture, deep colour, rich smell and tactile feel.As with the other 50 fantastic ideas books, this book will feature 50 inventive ideas for busy early years practitioners, advising them in a straightforward way about how to find, present and use easily accessible materials in a range of exciting and unusual ways.