by Emanuele Carramusa
Fail: Why the US Lost the War in Afghanistan Jonathan
by G. Owen
FeesMustFall and Youth Mobilisation in South Africa: Reform or Revolution? Musawenkosi
by W Ndlovu
Houston70: The Miracle Journey of Apollo 13
by Philip Gibson
100 Military Inventions that Changed the World
by Philip Russell
100 Most Influential People of All Times
by MobileReference
1000 Days on the River Kwai
by Cary Owtram
13 Sharks
by John D. Grainger
100 Group (Bomber Support)
by Martin W. Bowman
100 Hieroglyphs
by Barry Kemp
1000 Years of Annoying the French
by Stephen Clarke
101 Erstaunliche Fakten über das alte Ägypten
by Jack Goldstein
101 Erstaunliche Fakten über das antike Rom
by Jack Goldstein
101st Airborne in Normandy
by Yves Buffetaut
102 Minutes
by Jim Dwyer
"Hare" 'n There Adventures of Rosie Rabbit: Rosie in Egypt
by Diane Herak