Understanding Nursing Research - E-Book
by Susan K. Grove 2020-03-20 10:21:07
As the bestselling nursing research text, Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice, 6th Edition offers unique insights into understanding, appraising, and applying published research to evidence-based practice. It is known ... Read more
As the bestselling nursing research text, Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice, 6th Edition offers unique insights into understanding, appraising, and applying published research to evidence-based practice. It is known for its authoritative content, time-tested systematic approach, and unique research example format newly redesigned for the sixth edition to better demonstrate how the steps of the research process relate to evidence-based nursing. "This would be excellent for student nurses, nurses new to research or any nurse with an interest in research." Reviewed by: Helen Reeves, St Giles Walsall Hospice on behalf of Nursing Times, December 2015 Authoritative content is written by two of the true pioneers in nursing research, who offer unique, first-hand insights into the field. Research examples provide practice in working with published studies, with many of the examples including Critical Appraisal and Implications for Practice sections. Clear, step-by-step organization introduces the research process and demonstrates how this systematic framework relates to evidence-based practice. Strong emphasis on evidence-based practice helps you develop skills in studying and appraising published research, so you are prepared for your role in working with research evidence. Critical Appraisal Guidelines boxes provide step-by-step guidance in appraising published research studies. Emphasis on critical appraisal versus critique reflects contemporary usage in nursing research and evidence-based practice. Balanced coverage of qualitative research prepares you to approach research questions and clinical questions with an unbiased view of the researcher's methodology. Presentation of two different appraisal processes covers both the traditional in-depth critical appraisal process that prepares you for graduate-level work in research, and the concise, practice-focused research appraisal process that equips you for quick and accurate evaluation of the applicability of research findings to clinical practice. Less
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • September 18, 2014
  • eng
  • 9780323293327
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