The Bittermeads Mystery
By Ernest Robertson Punshon 8 Apr, 2019
That evening the down train from London deposited at the little country station of Ramsdon but a single passenger, a man of middle height, shabbily dressed, with broad shoulders and long arms and a most unusual breadth and depth of chest. Of his f ... Read more
That evening the down train from London deposited at the little country station of Ramsdon but a single passenger, a man of middle height, shabbily dressed, with broad shoulders and long arms and a most unusual breadth and depth of chest. Of his face one could see little, for it was covered by a thick growth of dark curly hair, beard, mustache and whiskers, all overgrown and ill-tended, and as he came with a somewhat slow and ungainly walk along the platform, the lad stationed at the gate to collect tickets grinned amusedly and called to one of the porters near: “Look at this, Bill; here's the monkey-man escaped and come back along of us.” It was a reference to a traveling circus that had lately visited the place and exhibited a young chimpanzee advertised as “the monkey-man,” and Bill guffawed appreciatively. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 146.03 KB
  • 274
  • Public Domain Books
  • 2019-02-20
  • English
  • 978-1147831528
Born: 1872, London, United Kingdom Died: 1956, England, United Kingdom Ernest Robertson Punshon was an English novelist and literary critic of the early to mid 20th century. He also wrote under th...
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