Politics & Social Sciences
Natural Law
by Alexander Passerin d'Entreves
The Bloomsbury Companion to Bertrand Russell
Rethinking Mill's Ethics
Liberalism and Value Pluralism
The Dual Truth, Volumes I & II
by Ephraim Chamiel
Interrupting Auschwitz
Death and the Labyrinth
by Michel Foucault
Populist Radical Left Parties in Western Europe
Hegel and Contemporary Practical Philosophy
Constructing the Responsibility to Protect
Why We Remake
Prime Time Soap Operas on Indian Television
by Shoma Munshi
Bureaucracy, Belonging, and the City in North India
Russia in the Middle East and North Africa
Welfare and Social Protection in Contemporary Latin America
by Gibrán Cruz-Martínez
Israeli-Romanian Relations at the End of the Ceausescu Era
by Yosef Govrin